Legendary Frog?
Me hate clocks. And did you get this idea from legendary frog....
Legendary Frog?
Me hate clocks. And did you get this idea from legendary frog....
Hello! I thought that this was a great project you did. I am a 14 year old kid who wishes to learn programing. So far I am learning C++ i know very little java and i know liberty basic. I am just a beginer just like you. I want to make games. In fact i am making one now in flash. Anyways good luck in the programin!
ya, i really wish i could have gotten into computers earlier, like younger kids are getting into now, but i moved from school to school a lot, and most of them dident even have computers because they were poor schools, and if they did have computers, all we did was work on paint. I dident even have the internet until a few years ago ( im 17 now, btw ) So i really hope you go far kid, good luck with your game. Ill be waiting to play it. :-D
Needs mor action then just some sprites runnin around
Eeeem youre called the funnyman?................no sense of humor :(
I liked it how the dude got doinked in the weiner with a dart. Anyways i wish i had some sound effects whenever i make a flash i make my own sound effects.
You can get some sound effects there, not a whole lot.
Why is is called fuck factory meltdown
why is it called meltdown? its called malfunction, geez maybe those ultraviolent flashes really got to you.
Was not amused
If you would have made your own carecters and not used sprites maybey it would have been better.
It was supose to be a nintendo sprite movie.....how can i not use sprites?
Shit, that sukd cock FAXOR!!!111
Its almost like the dude from my flash has come to life.
Ive seen better.
Certainly not anything you've come up with.
humpdty sat on the wall and broke his kneck. when he fell of the wall. i hurt my head when i hit the rock, but now im ok today.
Age 35, Male
Beginer Flash Toon
in a far off land
Joined on 4/9/04