100% AMAZING!!
100% AMAZING!!
Thanks! lol
absolute trash
its my characters. phone guy is my science pig character. and Garry is a clueless character. and the bird is a dick. just in fnaf setting. wanted the viewer to think the animatronic was the jump scare. the bird always says fuck you Garry! hope that helps explain things a bit.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!!
thanks mate!
Clock movies suck. They always have and always will.
so ur mum m8
You are absolutely right, talking shapes are not cool anymore. I gave you a 4 out of 10 because, the song at the end.
ya bombdigity
lol i like the music bit the most
sucka tried to play me, bitch you never payed me
payback is a coming, you will be runnin
haha i love the song best too :D
absolutely horrible
this was the biggest waste of my time. to put it simple, this was pointless. get some motivation and do something not only worth everyone's time but also yours.
seems like you wasted your time at watching not me doing it in a few mins
"i am something"
This is a very nicely animated cartoon. This cartoon humors me and makes me laugh because of relation. The main character kind of seems to act a tad bit weird, mebey paranoid? Some of his phrases 'steve' says sends me the signal of either a schizophrenic or a paranoid drug user. Notice the dark rings around his eyes.
humpdty sat on the wall and broke his kneck. when he fell of the wall. i hurt my head when i hit the rock, but now im ok today.
Age 35, Male
Beginer Flash Toon
in a far off land
Joined on 4/9/04